Judas Priest
Judas Priest is a British heavy metal band formed in Birmingham in 1969.
Frequently ranked as one of the greatest metal bands of all time, vocalist Rob Halford is also known
by the nickname “Metal God” .
It can be said that today's style of heavy metal has been established to some extent,
from the musicality with a deep and tight sound to the stage production on tours.
British Steelブリティッシュ・スティール
強力なインパクトを持つこのジャケット・アートと共に、彼等のメタル・ゴッドという称号もここから強固なものにした大転機作。本作収録曲となる「METAL GODS」は、その大いなる序章として、一切の情緒を排除したかの様なストイックなヘヴィ・メタルの骨格を作り出した。
そんなアルバムにインスパイアされた眼鏡「British Steel」は、ブロウと呼ばれるパーツとメタルリムのコンビネーション。実直と気品が混在する本アルバムを象徴している。
Along with this jacket art that had a powerful impact, this was a major turning point that solidified their title as metal gods. “METAL GODS'', a song included in this album, is a great prelude to creating a stoic heavy metal framework that seems to have eliminated all emotion.
The eyewear "British Steel" was inspired by such an album, and the combination of parts called brows and metal rims symbolizes this album's mix of honesty and elegance.

Screaming for Vengeance復讐の叫び
そんなアルバムにインスパイアされた「Screaming for Vengeance」は、フォックス型をベースに、王道のキーホールブリッジと親しみやすいラウンドデザインを落とし込んだ、キャッチーでありながら挑戦的な眼鏡。
It would be no exaggeration to say that Judas, who had received overwhelming support from metal fans up until that point but had not been able to achieve a global breakthrough along with many other bands due to the slump in hard rock, completely changed the scene. No hit album. In particular, many people are still shaken by the opening sequence, from “Hellion” to “Electric Eye.” This is a great album that became a model for 80‘s metal.
The eyewear”Screaming for Vengeance“ inspired by such an album is a catchy yet challenging model that is based on the Fox model and incorporates a classic keyhole bridge and a familiar round design.

A masterpiece that determined its unwavering position as a metal god in the 90s. With the newly joined drums and vocals of Rob Halford, this work has shown further evolution, and not only does it have a veteran style, but it also gives a sense of the momentum of a fairly fresh band.There are many people who feel special about this work and consider it a masterpiece.
The eyewear“PAINKILLER” inspired by this uncompromising album, is a Boston type that is particular about perfect balance.

Judas Priest 「British Steel」モデル クリアレンズ ¥20,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「British Steel」モデル ブラウンレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「British Steel」モデル グレーレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「Screaming for Vengeance」モデル クリアレンズ ¥20,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「Screaming for Vengeance」モデル ブラウンレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「Screaming for Vengeance」モデル グレーレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「PAINKILLER」モデル クリアレンズ ¥20,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「PAINKILLER」モデル ブラウンレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「PAINKILLER」モデル グレーレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「British Steel」 大判メガネ拭き ¥4,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「Screaming for Vengeance」 大判メガネ拭き ¥4,000(税込)
Judas Priest 「PAINKILLER」 大判メガネ拭き ¥4,000(税込)
Judas Priest 卓上ディスプレイ ¥5,000(税込)