「NWOBHM」(NewWave Of British Heavy Metal)の代表格として、ブームの一翼を担い地位を確立。
One of the most famous HR/HM bands in the world.
As a representative of the heavy metal trend "NWOBHM" (New Wave of British Heavy Metal)
that arose in the UK in the early 1980s, they played a part in the boom and established their position.
Their lineup has been stable since the end of the 1990s,
and they are still active even into the 21st century.
Total album sales exceeded 100 million copies. The band's name comes from
the medieval European torture device "Iron Maiden."
Their speedy release, only 10 months after their shocking debut, spurred the accelerated rise of metal-music at the time.
Their progressive sense of running and changing keys has become even more sophisticated, and the album's title song has already established the style of Maiden's music.
The speed and melody are both wonderful, and the heat and tension of this work are the very essence of British metal at the time.
The eyewear "Killers" has a narrow and square shape, which is the basis of cool design, so you will never get tired of it.

The Number Of The Beast魔女の刻印
まさにメタルの王道と言えるアルバムにちなみ、「The Number Of The Beast」のモデルは、ウェリントンタイプをさらに癖を無くした王道デザインとなっている。
A masterpiece in which their classic style was completed with the addition of Bruce Dickinson. This work began the Maiden legend that continues to this day. It became a standard song at subsequent live shows, and it showcased the band's unique sense of exhilaration as a stadium-style metal song that could be sung in chorus.
In honor of the album that can truly be called the royal road of metal, the eyewear of "The Number Of The Beast" has a classic design that is even less quirky than the Wellington type.

Seventh Son of a Seventh Son第七の予言
「Seventh Son of a Seventh Son」の眼鏡は、ウェリントンにも、ボストンにも、ラウンドにも見えるコンセプチュアルなデザインとなっている。
It can be said that their great self-awareness as a stadium rock band has finally reached their peak, and now they have a lineup of classic big chorus metal songs. This is an album that completely established the style that is also connected to current Maiden. The overall structure is like a concept album, with no throwaway songs from beginning to end.
“Seventh Son of a Seventh Son‘’ eyewear have a conceptual design that looks like Wellington, Boston, or round glasses.

IRON MAIDEN 「Killers」モデル クリアレンズ ¥20,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「KILLERS」 大判メガネ拭き ¥4,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「The Number Of The Beast」モデル クリアレンズ ¥20,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「Killers」モデル ブラウンレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「Killers」モデル グレーレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「The Number Of The Beast」モデル ブラウンレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「The Number Of The Beast」モデル グレーレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「Seventh Son of a Seventh Son」モデル ブラウンレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「Seventh Son of a Seventh Son」モデル グレーレンズ サングラス ¥21,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「The Number Of The Beast」 大判メガネ拭き ¥4,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「Seventh Son of a Seventh Son」 大判メガネ拭き ¥4,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 卓上ディスプレイ ¥5,000(税込)
IRON MAIDEN 「Seventh Son of a Seventh Son」モデル クリアレンズ ¥20,000(税込)